You are on the doorstep of retirement. Hopefully, you have exercised appropriate financial awareness to get prepared. So, you own your house, have no mortgage, all your children (if you have them) are financially independent, you have some additional savings or assets and lots of super to spend.
It is normal if you do not tick every box. However, the goal is to be aware of your situation and devise an appropriate plan.
The challenge once you pass your mid-fifties is that the time horizon left to organise yourself for retirement is much shorter than it once was. If you have a couple of boxes still to be ticked, you will need to evaluate what steps to take to get them ticked and consider what year you might want to or will retire from work life.
Life to date may have been a rush of accumulating events, which has left you wondering how you got to this age so quickly. Depending upon the complexity of your situation, commencing pre-retirement planning earlier than two years before you plan to retire can be beneficial.
The ideal retirement involves having no debt, good health, and enough money to live on and do things you want to do without worrying about if you can afford it. Some individuals find retirement daunting, especially if work has been a priority focus for many decades.
For some, easing your way into retirement by gradually reducing your workload and slowly increasing other non-work activities is better than stopping work altogether on a set date. Whatever you decide, pre-retirement planning helps make the transition to retirement as effective as possible.
Speak to someone who can answer your questions and help get you organised without the high expense usually associated with holistic financial planners. You can obtain advice appropriate to your circumstances for an affordable price via a service known as personal scaled or limited advice.
Contact 1800 467 467 for an initial free chat.
This document was prepared and issued by Super Simpler Pty Ltd (ABN 74 150 240 421) a privately-owned company operating as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 468 201) of AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd (ABN 21 092 889 579, AFSL 233 680). The information contained within it is not advice. It provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should assess whether the information is appropriate for you and consider talking with your financial adviser before making an investment decision. Information in this publication, which is taken from sources other than Super Simpler, is believed to be accurate. However, subject to any contrary provision in any applicable law, neither Super Simpler, nor its employees and directors, provide any warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it.