Payment & Refund Policy


SuperWiser is an online client portal that offers easy, effective, and affordable super advice and service to help you optimise outcomes over the long-term.

If super is to be optimised for retirement, it must be managed effectively throughout your career. This requires setting goals, implementing strategies to reach said goals and making tactical adjustments when necessary.

The free services offered by SuperWiser have been designed to assist you in understanding what income in retirement your current super strategy is projected to provide you with and give you an indication if there are opportunities to improve on this figure.

You can then decide whether to purchase Initial Super Optimisation Advice to establish some long-term super goals and implement a strategic plan to achieve them.

Optimising your super is not a set-and-forget exercise. Tactical updates to your super strategy will be required throughout your career, especially as your circumstances change and market conditions dictate. SuperWiser automatically notifies you to review your super when any Strategic Updates are recommended.

Purchasing of Initial Super Optimisation Advice and Strategic Updates will require a one-off upfront payment via credit card (Visa, Master Card, PayPal). There are no hidden fees or trail commissions.


SuperWiser Services

Step 1 – Review Your Super – Free

You answer some questions and then authorise us to liaise with your current super provider so we can collect exact data relevant to your current super arrangement. 


Step 2 – Evaluate Your Current Super Strategy – Free

We then run your data through our actuarial algorithm and provide you with a general indication of the potential dollar value difference of your projected income in retirement based on your current strategy compared to an optimised super strategy.

You are now more informed about your options and can decide whether purchasing Initial Super Optimisation Advice would be in your best interest. 


Step 3 – Initial Super Optimisation Advice – One Off, Fixed Price $220* inc GST

You will be taken through a process of establishing some long-term super goals and provided with a recommended super optimisation strategy specific for your circumstances.

You will have the option to play around with some of the recommended variables and see the dollar value impact they make to your projected income in retirement figure.

Once you confirm your initial super optimisation strategy you will be guided through a step by step implementation process. On completion you will receive a set of performance parameters and target milestones to help you easily monitor progress going forward.

* Discount may apply in some circumstances.


Step 4 – Strategic Updates – One Off, Fixed Price $110 inc GST

Optimising your super is not a set-and-forget exercise. It requires considered and consistent, active management throughout your career.

Your future super balance and subsequent retirement income correlate directly to the decisions you make (or fail to make) every year in the workforce.

SuperWiser automatically notifies you to review your super and will recommend strategic updates to your super strategy in alignment with your goals and objectives and as market conditions dictate. 



Refunds are due for:

1. Non-delivery of a beneficial service.
2. Incorrect analysis of data.
3. Inappropriate advice causing loss to the client.
4. Any delays in responding to queries resulting in a tangible loss to the client.

Please contact us immediately should a refund be due.

No refunds are due once there has been full and successful delivery of service.

Updated – December 2024