To optimise super, you must understand how it works and make informed decisions aligned with your goals and objectives. 

The standard MySuper option offered by super providers is not an optimisation strategy. It is a default strategy and what is considered a passive management approach. 

The SuperWiser portal helps you easily take control of your super and actively manage it towards a financially secure retirement.  


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Super Articles

Super Direction

There is much confusion around superannuation. No one knows what to believe, yet everyone must make decisions. The government’s direction on super appears to continually change. Occasionally, there is a clear directional signal, but the reaction from the public (who own the asset) is minimal or absent.

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Super Choices

Irrespective of your age, the quicker you realise the importance of your super and take appropriate action to optimise it, the more money you could have to spend in retirement.
Optimal super outcomes do not happen by accident, there are steps to take and informed decisions you must make. Choosing an appropriate super product is just one of them.

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Uncomplicating Wealth Creation

Forward planning always begins with assessing your past. We all have aspects of life we know we manage well and some that we could manage better. Unless we regularly take stock of our current situation, review what we have done to get to this point and determine how we can improve our future outcomes, we stagnate and miss out on beneficial opportunities, and super is an area where this is especially true.

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The Ups and Downs of Super

The Ups and Downs of Super

Depending upon your age, opportunities, and life experience, you might not yet realise the importance of your super relative to your financial future. Many individuals fail to ask the right questions regarding super, and even fewer consider how to make more super for their retirement.

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Wasted Time, Wasted Money

Whether you are 20 or 60 years old, time progresses in the blink of an eye and arriving at your desired financial situation at the point of retirement does not happen by accident. The phrase, wasted time is wasted money, holds a lot of truth, especially with super.

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Whose Super?

Whose Super?

Ten years ago, the government introduced MySuper as a regulatory requirement, and interestingly neither the government nor the regulator has criticised or noted any inadequacies in the design of any platform’s MySuper investment default option since then.

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Wise Up to Super

Super is a personal asset. To effectively manage super as a wealth creation strategy, you must determine what you want to achieve for yourself (also known as setting goals and objectives). You must also monitor your progress against your stated expectations and adjust your strategy regularly because the value of your super asset can rise or fall, depending on investment markets.

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Super Considerations

Personal or National Asset? Super is an important personal asset, but many people fail to take the time to understand it or optimise it.  It

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Why Not Do Better?

The Optimisation of Personal Super The nation’s balance invested in super amounts to $3.5 trillion and growing. When Paul Keating introduced the compulsory super in

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Super Good but Ignored

How much time do you spend reviewing your super per year? An hour, a few minutes, no time at all perhaps? If you’ve been ignoring it, you’re not alone. Paying regular attention to your super can make a big difference to your retirement, but few people make a regular habit of monitoring it. If it’s because it seems complicated or time consuming to you, SuperWiser might be exactly what you need. To find out more, read our latest blog:

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SuperWiser Manages While Others Tinker

Every asset needs attention – especially your super. SuperWiser has been designed to help you make informed choices about your superannuation. By comparing many of Australia’s leading super products, it can help you find the best set-up for your situation.

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New Year? New Super Resolutions

The New Year is the time when many of us take stock of our lives and make some resolutions about improvements or changes we’d like to make, and one of the best areas many of us can address is often our financial circumstances. Taking the opportunity to look into your super at the beginning of the year to ensure that it is being optimised can have a dramatic impact on your future.

SuperWiser can help make this process easy! Find out more in our latest blog.

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Super Advice That’s Actually Super Affordable

Super is a valuable asset and for anyone who is going to work for 50 years – foresight is always better than hindsight. Many people think there is only one service option available for their super which is the high priced financial planning model. You should know, affordable personal scaled advice does exist.

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2 piggy banks on a blue background

Really Big Super!

Personal scaled advice is now available to the masses from a source not owned by product, all of whom falsely promote their market brand as simply the best!

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customer services best excellent business rating experience. Satisfaction survey concept. Hand of a businessman chooses a smile face on wood block cube. 5 Star Satisfaction.

The Super Service Model

Government Overreach? The government has just announced the passes and fails amongst the multitude of MySuper investment options. It is a fact that the government

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Servicing Super

The Traditional Service Model One major failing of the financial services industry around super is the delivery of an individual service model targeting the optimisation

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Super New Year

Welcome To 2021 I am sure we are all delighted to see the back of 2020 but then again I am sure there are some

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Personal Scaled Super Advice

Accessing good superannuation advice is difficult and expensive, or at least it was. The new SuperWiser app makes personal scaled advice affordable and accessible.

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