Around 80% of people fail to understand how to manage super properly as a wealth-creation asset, partly due to frequent government tinkering and partly due to a fundamental lack of financial awareness.  

At this stage of your career, dismissing your super can have considerable financial consequences.

The quicker you take control of your super asset, the richer you are likely to be when you retire.


If you are to optimise your super you must make informed decisions.

The key areas to consider are:

  • Product Appropriateness – no product provider will tell you anything that might impair their brand.

  • Fees and Costs – many product providers present their fees in such a way that they sound small. Ensure you do the appropriate calculations to determine the actual amounts. 
  • Contribution Strategy – modest salary sacrifice is best to start early in life to benefit from compounding interest over time.
  • Investment Strategy – MySuper is a default strategy not an optimisation strategy, there is a difference and the financial impact can be significant.

The rich get richer by proactively managing their wealth, not ignoring it.


Decisions must be based on up to date knowledge around products, tax legislation and the state of global markets.

The SuperWiser client portal is set up to easily assist you.

Create a secure account using your email address, complete a free super review and examine your options.

Alternatively, call 1800 467 467 to speak to an adviser.

This document was prepared and issued by Super Simpler Pty Ltd (ABN 74 150 240 421) a privately-owned company operating as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 468 201) of AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd (ABN 21 092 889 579, AFSL 233 680). The information contained within it is not advice. It provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should assess whether the information is appropriate for you and consider talking with your financial adviser before making an investment decision. Information in this publication, which is taken from sources other than Super Simpler, is believed to be accurate. However, subject to any contrary provision in any applicable law, neither Super Simpler, nor its employees and directors, provide any warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it.