Is the amount of money you have accumulated within your super optimal for your age and circumstances? Are you on track to reach the level of super you will need to support your desired lifestyle when you reach retirement age? What age do you want to retire? Perhaps you already have enough assets and could potentially retire a bit earlier? Or maybe you are a bit behind where you would like to be at this point in your career and need some advice.

In terms of wealth management, super is possibly just one of your considerations and depending on where you are and where you want to go, you might have to work and win more, or maybe you have established your dream workstyle and advice on how to optimise your super is all you are looking for.
Points to consider when evaluating your situation:
- Family situation.
- Career progression.
- Upskilling or plateaued.
- House with or without mortgage.
- Other assets and other debt.
- Opportunities from here.
- Immediate and future goals.
- Good things don’t happen by accident.
While the header says Need to Read, the intention behind it is skills acquisition to develop a view on what sort of life you want to enjoy in retirement and what changes you might consider taking in whatever sequence is sensible. Most people nowadays research a lot more than people ever did pre-internet.
Somewhere around fifty, almost everyone will realise that retirement beckons and there is more to life than work. Wisdom even says there is more to life than money. Make it a priority to manage all aspects of your situation with appropriate consideration, insight and care.
To find out what your current projected income in retirement looks visit www.superwiser.com.au and complete a free super-review.
Alternatively, call 1800 467 467 for a quick chat to discuss your super options further.
This document was prepared and issued by Super Simpler Pty Ltd (ABN 74 150 240 421) a privately-owned company operating as a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 468 201) of AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd (ABN 21 092 889 579, AFSL 233 680). The information contained within it is not advice. It provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should assess whether the information is appropriate for you and consider talking with your financial adviser before making an investment decision. Information in this publication, which is taken from sources other than Super Simpler, is believed to be accurate. However, subject to any contrary provision in any applicable law, neither Super Simpler, nor its employees and directors, provide any warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it.