Super Optimisation

Most services offered by super providers are designed to optimise your product provider’s revenue, and not necessarily yours. Personalised service is hard to come by because it involves higher overheads and little returns for product providers. In fact, due to the costs involved, obtaining holistic financial advice is out of reach for at least 80% of the public, most of whom would definitely benefit from it. Instead product providers target individuals with high balances or some who need significant insurances.

SuperWiser makes it possible for that 80% of the public to access personal scaled advice at a very affordable price.

How Does SuperWiser Manage This?

SuperWiser is an application that compares data from more than 40 well-known super products against your current super set-up. It uses an actuarial algorithm to calculate the benefit of different funds based on which service model you’re in:

  • Corporate Super
  • Personal Retail
  • Industry Fund

SuperWiser can help explain where there is room for improvement and if there is a better super set-up out there for you. It provides parameters for performance, thus enabling your ability to monitor your progress against your stated goals and objectives.

Should you decide to proceed with SuperWiser’s recommendations, the application will guide you through each step of the implementation process until completion. And for peace of mind, SuperWiser’s client support team is available should you need it.

Welcome to a new world of personal scaled advice.

Our Approved Product List

SuperWiser is an application owned by a company called Super Simpler Pty Ltd. It has been developed carefully over 5 years and is designed to allow you to play before you pay. The full fee for service is only $220 (inc GST).

With SuperWiser you can always be assured that you’re getting the right current advice because analysis is based on an approved product list which is constantly updated should any changes occur in terms of fees, insurance or product design.

The maintenance of the Approved Product List within SuperWiser is a key responsibility and a necessary function under an Australian Financial Services License. SuperWiser operates under the license held by AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd (AFSL 233680).

What To Do?

Start by completing a free Super Review to determine if it is in your best interest to obtain strategic super advice to optimise your super outcomes.

The Federal Budget 2020

This year the government did not make changes at all to the details of superannuation in Australia, but they did introduce a new initiative called “Your Future, Your Super”. It’s another measure that again wrestles the personal responsibility for your super away from the individual and has your choices controlled by someone else.

The limitation in this initiative is that it only examines the default service settings for your super without looking at alternative options that might present more value to you as far as maximising your balance at retirement.

In effect, the government is progressing with initiatives that disengage you from your super as a wealth creation strategy. To optimise your own super asset, you must pay it some attention.

The development of new technology, such as SuperWiser, make it easier than ever before to optimise your super and provides you with more opportunity to make more super dollars and improve your lifestyle in retirement.

Make Yourself SuperWiser

The truth is that super is not as complicated as you think. The financial services industry has made it complicated with a wide array of products and services that appear beneficial but aren’t aimed at optimising your super value.

Finding information can seem difficult, sources of information are usually less than reliable because of potential for bias. Unfortunately this often means you are more likely to make the decision that is in someone else’s best interest and not yours.

Where someone provides you with meaningful information for consideration, the first step is always to pause and filter that information to the point where you have sufficient knowledge to make a decision in your best interest.

Informed decisions always work out better than blind guesswork.

Straightforward Information?

This is not always easy to find but then maybe it is hard to locate a source of truth in this modern world. Let’s start with the statement that a key initiative in improving your super is finding quality information.

The government has presented quite a few initiatives in making various attempts to improve the value delivered by financial services companies around super. There has been the introduction of a MySuper Investment Default some ten years ago which in theory should have improved investment returns.

A comparison for MySuper investment returns would indicate the following range between bottom and top performers:


Investment OptionAnnual Projected Income in Retirement to Age 67
Age 25
Salary $60,000
Age 35
Salary $80,000
Age 45
Salary $85,000
Balance $20,000Balance $75,000Balance $120,000
TopFactory Default
BottomFactory Default
Annual Difference$6,800
Plus 22%
Plus 21%
Plus 20%

Figures obtained from AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd as at 30/06/2020

By using a products investment choice menu, how does the top MySuper investment strategy compare with what is the top performing SuperWiser recommended portfolio:

PerformerInvestment OptionAnnual Projected Income in Retirement to Age 67
Age 25
Salary $60,000
Age 35
Salary $80,000
Age 45
Salary $85,000
Balance $20,000Balance $75,000Balance $120,000
TopFactory Default
TopSuperWiser –
High Growth
Annual Difference$7,000
Plus Another 19%
Plus Another 16%
Plus Another 11%

Figures obtained from AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd as at 30/06/2020

The latest government initiative announced within the federal budget still focuses purely on the MySuper Investment Default. This has become the standard default for most people and no product will tell you about their comparable performance with other MySuper defaults (unless it is to their advantage) and most certainly government initiative is only focused on the MySuper service model and not looking at other non-standard investment options within products.

Where To From Here?

Upon demonstrating SuperWiser to one large product provider, a senior executive commented that this innovation is unusable for them as the calculations would identify how many other products deliver more value. The executive unwisely commented “we would have to explain to the board why we have lost all our clients”.

The financial services industry is known for its high fees and its poor delivery of service value. In terms of delivering value at an individual account level, product providers see this as an impossible ask involving the recruitment of too many people and presenting too many organisational complications.

Clearly technology is the answer but any service technology from super product providers is likely to focus on retaining members, not adding value. Which means technology needs to come from those who have no ownership in any product.

Try SuperWiser

SuperWiser allows you to examine what you are currently doing against what you could do for yourself in managing your super. Minimal information is required to get started.

As an authorised representative under an AFSL license as provided by AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd (ABN 21 092 889 579, AFSL 233680), SuperWiser proceeds to request some personal information so the initial calculation can be confirmed. This requires an authority to access information as provided by your current product and as required under current regulation. As always around super, regulation must be followed.

The next stage involves some explanation as to where you can do better by comparing the appropriate elements of your current super against what might be better by way of cost, target market return, target outperformance return and then salary sacrifice. The proposition will be the provision of advice and an implementation service of said advice, all for the affordable price of $220 (inc GST).

Get started by completing a free Super Review. If you have any questions call 1800 467 467.

Super Advice

Personalised advice at an individual account level is rare for the super industry. Most product providers operate more like call centres dispensing general advice and answering questions rather than providing members with personalised financial advice around product, contributions, and investment, and this often means that members see their retirement savings underperform by 20% or more.

Super Choices

The choices you make around your super fund, contributions, and investment strategies are paramount if you are hoping to maximise your retirement balance and enjoy more financial freedom in your retirement. It’s hard to find good, comprehensive information on super funds to properly compare them however, and it’s equally difficult to formulate goals around yoursuper and properly track its performance to ensure that your super choice is still the right one for you.

Common Mistakes

There are a number of common mistakes that cost most people more than they realise:

  • Not setting medium and long term goals for your super.

  • Multiple accounts.

  • Multiple insurance policies.

  • Not reading your annual statement.

  • Not examining the performance of your main asset against other options.

  • Not talking to someone who delivers affordable advice.

Personal Scaled Advice

Where product providers do deliver service at individual level, they tend to target prospects for their financial planning operations, a much higher margin service than personal scaled advice.

Personal scaled advice means an authorised representative will examine just your super and provide advice. Product providers would see such a service as high on cost and low on margin. Not their preferred commercial strategy.

Where you have a database of popular products detailing aspects of their cost structure and also their potential to outperform other like products, it becomes mathematically possible to analyse what your super will become over time and therefore what your projected income in retirement might be if you make some informed decisions.

SuperWiser does all of that for you, from initial analysis through to implementation of all recommendations made. Considering the complexities around super, this is no mean feat.


SuperWiser directs you to open a MyGov account which can then be linked to your super. This means you will see any lost super you have and you will be able to consolidate your super into the product recommended by SuperWiser. Without the help of SuperWiser, you would be aiming blind in terms of what product is right for you.

Most people are beginning to realise the value presented by MyGov, partly through the recent release of super allowed as a consequence of the current pandemic.

Monitoring Super Progress

SuperWiser enables medium term monitoring of super by informing you at what age you should achieve your next uplift in value of the next hundred thousand dollars. Super is not a park and forget asset at any time. Super should be monitored and reviewed as frequently as once a year with someone that has expertise in the industry.

This is known as active servicing, with SuperWiser able to service a bulk individual market at a remarkably affordable price of $220 (inc GST) for implementation.

Get Started

Start by completing a free Super Review. If you have questions call 1800 467 467.

Nothing As Complicated As Super?

Good things are rarely said about super, and that often discourages people from making informed decisions. But consider the following:

  • Super is your wealth creation program for life after work.

  • Remaining inactive around your super could cost you close to $100,000 down the track.

  • There are affordable options available to make sure you don’t miss out and regret being inactive around your super.

For some, sorting out your super can be awkward. Others may base their choices on the annually reported investment returns from the products in the market – unfortunately these don’t tell the full story and aren’t always the ideal way to choose a fund.

Seeing The Difference In Super

As a straightforward statement of fact, there are as many fraudsters in this world as there are honest people selling a service. It is often hard to see the difference.

That’s why we’ve developed SuperWiser.

Super is one of the most regulated industries in Australia and the bar is set high. SuperWiser was developed by Super Simpler Pty Ltd which operates under an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL), No. 233680, held by AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd. As an obligation under said license, AXIS Financial Group Pty Ltd must have what is called an Approved Product List (APL), detailing what financial products their authorised representatives are allowed to provide to market.

SuperWiser’s Approved Product List

SuperWiser has as its core an actuarial algorithm which examines which product will deliver better value for each and every individual. The actuarial algorithm uses the underlying analysis of approved product as the basis of this calculation.

Broadly speaking, SuperWiser’s approved product list examines the available product from a number of perspectives:

  • Is the product actually approved for recommendation?

  • If approved for recommendation, what are the comparable qualities between simply remaining in the product default against better advice in considering an individual’s circumstances and the quality of the investment choice menu?

  • Based upon the analysis of the product default versus a personalised investment strategy, each option is awarded a points score which determines an outperformance target of between 0% and up to 0.6%.

SuperWiser’s approved product list is scrutinised every 6 months from the point of view of the appropriateness of the advice. Changes are exacted as appropriate to the data.

Information Available

SuperWiser website will give you a summary analysis of the super product you are currently using. This will advise you if your product is approved and some information to tell you whether or not you can do better.

You can complete a free Super Review and this will inform you if SuperWiser believes it can help you make a lot more of your super from a financial value point of view. In doing the calculation, SuperWiser is examining costs, contributions and also what investment strategy you might be in.

If you are interested in finding out more and under the obligations as defined in the above Australian Financial Services License, the first step has to be to confirm the original calculation so SuperWiser knows a significant improvement in super outcomes can be delivered.

So you do have to register and provide the correct details for your super and allow SuperWiser to contact your product provider to confirm the accurate information involved. This process involves what is known as an Authority to Access Information. Certified proof of identity is also required to complete this step.

SuperWiser then updates the calculation and either says proceed as the benefit is confirmed or SuperWiser advises you not to proceed as the original value as estimated cannot be delivered.

The Decision To Buy

There is some final information required just to ensure SuperWiser has all the accurate facts to help you achieve your stated goals and objectives, defined as age of retirement and also your desired projected income in retirement. Still at this point everything is done for free.

SuperWiser will now state why a higher projected income in retirement can be delivered compared to your current super, based upon an analysis of cost, investment returns and also contributions. It is at this point you decide whether or not you believe the promised result. So far there is no cost. Implementing the advice you receive can be done by us for a very affordable $220 (inc GST).

A New & Affordable Service

SuperWiser offers personal scaled advice just about your super. It is not about selling products but about explaining to you how to optimise your super.

If you pay sensible attention to your key assets, it is amazing how they may exceed your expectations. SuperWiser can help you to assess your super and monitor it going forward.

Start your free Super Review now. It always pays to keep an eye on your super.